Rajmata Jijau Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's
Landewadi, Bhosari, Pune-411039
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra and University Grants Commission(UGC)(2(F) & 12(B))

Rajmata Jijau Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's
Rajmata Jijau Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's


Intake Capacity- 80

Three Year B.B.A. Degree Program in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
(Faculty of Commerce and management)

Choice Based Credit System

The programme structure of BBA is designed to create detailed understanding and awareness of various business systems. This course will cultivate desired business acumen amongst the students. This programme is designed with specific objectives of developing various skills, aptitude and awareness amongst the students in tune with the prevailing business systems that govern different types of business organizations. The course structure is divided into three parts that are interlinked in a systematic manner. This is to maintain consistency and a continuous flow in the teaching–learning process and method of evaluation for each topic.
The present programme will enable the students to foster entrepreneurial attitude, ability to think independently and take rational decisions at various levels of management. It aims to develop a professional and managerial acumen and leadership qualities amongst the youth. Moreover, it incorporates various skills like time management skills, presentation skills, geo-political awareness and business awareness that are required for managerial effectiveness. This programme predominantly endeavours for holistic development of students by providing training in soft skills, computer skills, various Add on Courses and interdisciplinary subjects which are included under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).

Sr. No. Name Education Designation Exprience Photo
1 Mrs. Sarika V. Jagtap M.B.A, M.Com, PhD. Pursuing HOD 13 Years
2 Mrs. Madhura Joshi M.C.M, Assistant Professor 7 Years
3 Mrs. Yogita Chandawale M.B.A.(MKT) Assistant Professor 2 Years
4 Mrs. Alsaba Bagwan M.B.A.(FIN)& (HR) Assistant Professor Fresher

Course Outcomes of BBAFIRST YEAR 2019

(Credit Pattern)

CO101: Principles of Management

The course aims to provide fundamental knowledge & exposure to the concepts, theories &

practices in the field of management.

CO102: Business Communications Skills

The course aims to enhance the skills of the students in written as well as oralcommunication

through practical conduct of this course and also to make them understand the principles and

techniques of businesscommunication.

CO103: Business Accounting

The course aims to provide the basic understanding of accounting principles & techniques in

preparing the final accounts of firms and companies for the users of accounting information.

CO104: Business Economics (Micro)

The course aims to make the students aware of how the Economy deals in Micro (Small/ single)


CO105: Business Mathematics

The course aims at equipping the students with abroad –based knowledge of mathematics with

emphasis on business application.

CO106: Business Demography &Environment Studies

The course aims to help the students to get a practical knowledge of how the National Income is

calculated in India and how Indian Economy operates at Macro level.

CO201: BusinessOrganization Systems

The objective is to understand Organization Structures ,types, and recent trends in business.

CO202: Principles of Marketing

The objective of this paper is to identify the foundation terms and concepts that are commonly

used in marketing. It also identifies the essential elements for effective marketing practice. This

course will give complete relationship between marketing and other management functions.

CO203: Principles of Finance

Efficient Management of a business enterprise is closely linked with the efficient management of

its finances. Accordingly, the objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the overall

framework of financial decision- making in a business unit. CO204: Basics of Cost Accounting

The course aims to make the student understand and effectively use the costing systems for

production and service industries.

CO205: Business Statistics

The course aims at giving the statistical knowledge to the students so as to enable them to make

statistical analysis in business which thereby help them in further studies in management.

CO206:Fundamentals of computer

The course aims at understanding of the subject and enhance overall confidence and presentation


CO 301: Principles of Human Resource Management

The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the different aspects of managing

Human Resources in the organization through the phases of acquisition, development and


CO 302: Supply chain Management

The Objective is to understand supply chain activities in business and logistics operations,

Functions of supply chain and their operations.

CO 303: Global competencies and Personality Development

To build self-confidence, enhanceself-esteem and improve overall personality of the students.

To enhance global and cultural competencies of the students

CO 304: Fundamentals of Rural Development

To understand the development issue related to rural society.

To find employment opportunities for rural youth.

CO 305A: ConsumerBehavior and Sales Management

To develop significant understanding of consumer behavior in marketing to understand the

Relationship between consumer behavior and sales management

To know the Role & Importance of Consumer Behavior.

Ability to learn how Consumer Behavior impacts the Sales of anOrganization.

To understand how consumer behavior is influenced by differentenvironment.

CO 306A: Retail Management

Retailing aims to develop students’ understanding of retail strategy, retail operations management,

innovation in retail, and the key issues impacting growth in retail firms

To explore the strategic options available to retailers.

To analysis the factors impacting store design and location selection.

Code- 305B: Management Accounting

The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the basic management accounting

concepts and their applications in managerial decision making.

Code- 306B:Banking and Finance

Overview of evolution and banking structure in India Students will understand various functions and activities of banks.

Knowledge of functioning and powers various Regulatory Authorities in India.

Use of technology in banking and

Study of security measures while using E- banking

Code- 305C: Organizational Behavior

The course aims to provide an understanding of basic concepts, theories and techniques in the

field of human behavior at the individual, group and organizational levels in the changing global

scenario. The course must be taught using case study method.

Code- 306C: Legal Aspects in Human Resources

To study and explain rights of employees at work place.

To understand the legal issues related to HR in an organization

To understand the basic concepts of Wage & SalaryAdministration.

To understand the Applications of The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923.

Code-401Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

To understand the concept and process ofEntrepreneurship.

To Acquire Entrepreneurial spirit andresourcefulness.

To get acquainted with the concept of Small BusinessManagement.

To understand the role and contribution of Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses in the growth and

development of individual and thenation.

Code-402: Production and Operation Management

To understand the key concepts of Production and OperationManagement.

To understand the various manufacturing methods and role in managingbusiness.

Code-403Decision Making and Risk Management

To learn the key topics in decision making and risk management so that they

can improve decision making and reduce risk in their management activities


Find the best alternative in a decision with multiple objectives anduncertainty.

Describe the process of making adecision.

Code-404International Business Management

To acquaint the students with emerging trends and issues in International Business.

To study the impact of International Business Environment on foreign marketoperations.

To analyze International trade models.

Code-405AAdvertising and Promotion Management

To develop knowledge and understanding of importance ofadvertising.

To understand different sales promotiontechniques.

Code-406A: Digital Marketing

To provide students with the Knowledge about business advantages of the digital marketing and its

importance for marketingsuccess.

To help students become Indemand professional by being acquainted through various Digital channels &

their ways ofIntegration. Code-405B: Business Taxation

To understand different concepts & definitions under Income Tax Act1961.

To understand the importance of Taxation to thestudents.

Code-406B:Financial Services

To Study in detail financial services inIndia.

To study & Understand working of Indian financialsystem.

Code-405CHuman Resource Management Functions& Practices

To acquire comprehensive Knowledge of Human Resource Management Functions &Practices.

To explain the methods of Performance Appraisal, Training, Executive Development and


Code-406CEmployee Recruitment & Record Management

To study and explain employee acquisition and its importance inindustry.

To cultivate right approach towards employee recruitment and recordmanagement THIRD YEAR

CO501: Supply Chain and Logistics Management

To introduce the fundamental concepts in Materials and Logistics Management.

To familiarize with the issues in core functions in materials and logistics management

CO502: Entrepreneurship Development

To create entrepreneurial awareness among the students.

To help students to up bring out their own business plan.

To develop knowledge and understanding in creating and managing new venture.

CO503: Business Law

To understand basic legal terms and concepts used in law pertaining to business

To comprehend applicability of legal principles to situations in Business world by referring to

few decided leading cases.

CO504: Research Methodology

To provide the students with basic understanding of research process and tools for the same.

To provide an understanding of the tools and techniques necessary for research and report writing

CO 505 – A -: Analysis of Financial Statements

This course is designed to prepare students for interpretation and analysis of financial statements


To make the student well acquainted with current financial practices

This course is designed primarily for students who expect to be intensive users of financial

statements as part of their professional responsibilities.

CO 505 – B -: Sales Management

To provide the students with basic understanding of the processes and skills necessary to be

successful in personal selling and insights about recent trends in sales management.

To provide an understanding of the tools and techniques necessary to effectively manage the sales

function – organization – sales individual.

To provide students with advanced skills in the areas of interpersonal communications,

Motivational techniques.

CO 505 – C: Human Resource Management Principles and Functions

To introduce the concept, principles and practices of H.R.M. to the student

CO 506 – A: Long Term Finance

To make the study of long-term financing

To make the student well-acquainted regarding current financial structure

CO506 – B Retail Management

To provide insights into all functional areas of retailing.

To give a perspective of the Indian retail scenario.

To identify the paradigm shifts in retailing business with increasing scope of technology and e

business. CO : 506 – C : Human Resource Practices

To introduce the concept, principles and practices of H.R.M. to the student

CO : 601 : Business Planning and Project Management

To acquaint the students with the planning process in business and familiarize them with the

function and techniques of project management

CO: 602 -: Event Management

To acquaint the students with concepts, issues and various aspects of event management.

CO: 603: Management Control System

To introduce to the students the function of management control, its nature, functional areas, and


CO: 604: E- Commerce

To know the concept of electronic commerce

To know the concept of Cyber Law & Cyber Jurisprudence

To know Internet marketing techniques

CO: 605 A: Financial Services

To study in detail various financial services in India

To make the students well acquainted regarding financial markets

CO: 605 B Advertising and Sales Promotion

To develop knowledge and understanding of importance and functions of advertising.

To understand Key features of Sales Promotion

CO: 605 C:Labor Laws

To acquaint the students with important legal provisions governing the industrial employee.

CO: 606 A Cases in Finance/ Project

The student shall write a project report on the topics selected under the guidance of subject teacher.

CO: 606 B Cases in Marketing / Project

The student shall write a project report on the topics selected under the guidanceof subject teacher.

CO: 606C Cases in Human Resource Management / Project

The student shall write a project report on the topics selected under the guidanceof subject teacher.

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