The college campus is spread over an area of 1.67 Acres which includes 45008.57 sq.ft. Built-up area and open space for botanical garden and sports facilities. Buildings are architecturally designed with all modern amenities. The college includes some common facilities such as, Staffroom, specious Parking area, Ladies Rest Room, Girls Rest Room, Central Library, NSS Department, Administrative office, Student Development Cell, Placement cell. The Canteen Facilities in the college is the hub of out-of-class discussions and exchange of information. It provides snacks, drinks at subsidized rates.This infrastructure and facility available on campus are appropriate for the growth of student and staff.
QAC ensures that each department have availability of computer for advanced learner students to improve their academic knowledge and also help in project. Student counsel provided with computer and internet facility for conducting various activities in college premise.
In the college like SDO, NSS are provided with computer and internet facility for developing special extension activities in college and college outsider.
In the college include a playground and well equipped gymnasium center. Intensive training is imparted under expert guidance for various indoor and outdoor games. Each year, students achieve notable distinctions, and many of them are selected for all state level, Inter- University and National tournaments.The College Provides Following Facilities to outstanding Sports person Financial Aid, Cash Incentives, Concession in college fees, Admissions from Sport Quota.
OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue facility provided to the students & staffs.
Library Reading Room: Library Reading Room facility is provided for student. Seating facility in the stack room is 6 for faculty and in the reading hall 150 students.
News Paper Clippings: Maintain Newspaper clipping file for up-to-date record of information regarding college.
Power Backup: Power backup facility provided to Library by RJSPM Campus Generator Room
User orientation/ Information literacy: Librarian takes lecture of each class for orientation and how to find different resources by using OPAC, internet and open sources.
Information Display and notification: Library information such as new arrivals, Library Rules, Journal List, Notices, and News Paper Clipping etc. are displayed on Library Notice Board from time to time.
E-Library with Internet Facility: Separate 10 computers are provided for students and faculty with internet connection. They can access and download information of their topic or interest subject.
Software: Library is fully automated by using Vriddhi software. New purchases, stock verification, issue-return activity is conducted using this software. All the books have a bar code. The Use of barcodes and bar code scanners makes the process of issue and returns more Efficient and error free.
- The college building and the library facilitated with the Wi-Fi connectivity. All the departments of the college are provided with computer and other related accessories. All teaching staff member use the ICT in the classrooms and laboratories, whenever needed.
- Network security is ensured through Net protector Total Security antivirus software. Most of the official work is being done with the help of ICT. The computer is formatted on regular basis. Anti-virus is regularly installed in computer. All computer has anti-virus Wi-Fi connectivity i.e., in Principal chamber, Admin office, IQAC room, various departments including, library and laboratories.
- The institute also has the CCTV (Closed circuit television) camera in each classroom and laboratory, it also fixed in all building and surrounding area and records images twenty four hours every day and help to monitor and control the activities in the premises.
- In the entire campus all the computers are connected by the LAN with 100 Mbps speed capacity broadband.Our college has 249 computers and all the departments have software packages as per the curriculum needs. The institute upgrades the software packages and also purchases software’s currently being used in the industry to make the students; industry ready.
- A separate team with in house staff is informed to take care of the IT related needs of the campus such as hardware and networking, website designing and hosting etc. College has LCD projector enabled classroom and two smart classrooms. One full time computer technician is appointed by the institute for maintenance of day to day IT facilities of the institute.
There are five computers, one mathematics, one electronics lab in the college connected with 235 terminals and Internet facilities for the students and teachers. These labs are also equipped with teaching aids such as LCD Projectors and Scanners. The College wants all its students to be conversant with modern learning aids. All computer labs are well equipped with licenced software and hardware.
Administrative office is well equipped with licenced software and hardware.
All office computers connected with LAN having internet access.